Postoperative Instructions

At Robertson Dental, Dr. Alicia Robertson and our dedicated team prioritize your safety and comfort throughout your treatment process. To ensure a smooth recovery after your procedure, we provide comprehensive postoperative care instructions tailored for our patients in Silver Spring, Maryland. If you have any questions or need to schedule a follow-up appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 301-927-1453 .

Ensuring a Successful Postoperation Experience

The most effective way to ensure a successful recovery is to attend your designated follow-up appointment. This allows Dr. Robertson to assess your healing process, address any potential concerns, and provide personalized advice. In addition to this, adhering to the following instructions will enhance your comfort and expedite your recovery.

Detailed Postoperation Instructions

Pain Management

Experiencing some discomfort after your procedure is normal. To alleviate pain, you can take the following medications or use the prescription provided to you:

  • Adults: Take two tablets of aspirin, TYLENOL®, or Empirin Compound every three to four hours.
  • Children Aged 5 to 10: Administer one tablet every three to four hours.
  • Infants and children up to Age 5: Give two baby aspirins or half an adult aspirin.

If you experience severe pain, please fill out your pain prescription and follow the instructions provided.

Managing Swelling

Swelling is a common postsurgical occurrence and usually subsides on its own. To manage swelling effectively:

  • Apply an ice pack or a towel filled with crushed ice gently to the affected area.
  • Use the ice for ten minutes, then remove it for ten minutes, repeating this cycle for an hour. If necessary, continue this process every two hours for the first 24 hours.

Controlling Bleeding

It is normal to experience some bleeding following tooth extraction. If you notice excessive bleeding, follow these steps:

  1. Remove any clots and cover the socket with a clean pad of gauze or a twelve-inch fluffed bandage. Firmly close your jaws for 30 minutes while swallowing saliva.
  2. If bleeding continues, place a small, moist tea bag over the socket and bite down gently for another 30 minutes.
  3. Holding a strong solution of iced tea in your mouth for five minutes can also help. Repeat until the bleeding stops.

If bleeding persists despite these measures, please contact our office immediately.

Dietary Recommendations

During the first 48 hours after the operation, it is advisable to maintain a light, soft diet. Foods such as cereals, soups, and eggnog are suitable choices. Avoid hard, crunchy, or spicy foods that may irritate the surgical area.

Oral Hygiene

To promote healing, refrain from rinsing your mouth for at least five hours after your procedure to avoid dislodging the clot. After 24 hours, you can begin rinsing your mouth with care:

  • After meals and at bedtime, apply ten drops of Gly-Oxide Liquid onto your tongue.
  • Mix it with saliva and gently swish the resulting foam around in your mouth for two to three minutes before spitting it out.

Managing Nausea

If you experience nausea or stomach cramps, sip on ice-cold ginger ale, cola, or juice — one ounce every ten minutes — until the discomfort subsides.

Additional Considerations

As you recover, keep in mind that:

  • A slight mouth odor and jaw stiffness may occur.
  • Discoloration and minor swelling can happen if bleeding occurs beneath the tissue, though this is typically not a cause for concern.

Your well-being is our priority, and our interest in your recovery extends beyond the completion of your procedure. If you experience any difficulties or have concerns at any point, please reach out to our office or return for further evaluation and treatment. We’re here to support you every step of the way!


9417 Flower Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20901

Phone: (301) 588-3310


  • MON - THU9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRI9:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
Contact Us

5711 Sarvis Ave Ste 502, Riverdale, MD 20737

Phone: (301) 927-1453


  • MON - THU9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRI - SUNClosed
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